Saturday 1 February 2014

New Champion is leaked

New champion is leaked, as leaks are found across the internet. The new champion is Vel'Koz, it is thought to be the new void champions following Cho'Gath and Kog'Maw both have apostrophe. There were already previously many many speculation about this champion. He can be seen in the Creator Vicktor's splash Art in the background, the original Lucain Splash Art, Pre-Void Kassadin Splash Art and some even say that Vel'Koz looks like the statute of Watchers in the Howling Abyss.
In-game and Abilities

In Creator Viktor's Splash art
Although abilities of the new champion are released, we still can not confirm whether it will be an AP Mage or AD Carry. But we can see that Vel'Koz does all Magic Damage, but you can say that both Kog'Maw and Trist
ana all do Magic Damage, however they do have an Attack Speed Steroid for the late game. This is what Vel'Koz lacks, the AD steroids and his passive is still not revealed at the moment. So what I expect is an AP Mage who excels in the Mid lane, by poking from far away. And in a way he has high level of burst but poke as well.
From the official website, already a site reserved for Vel'Koz
 (notice the URL:

In the mean time I will keep you guys up dated.

Watcher in Howling Abyss

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