Monday 10 February 2014

Talented League of Legends artist with some cool new titles

Recently I have been browsing thoroughly through YouTube for songs based on League of Legends, after my introduction to Instalok and other similar League of  Legends artist. But I came across this one guy named Knox Hill (YouTube channel Link), who is surprisingly not as well known, but definitely deserves more views and more subscription. Unlike many other YouTube League artist, he produces his own original music from total scratch, with a perfect combination of rap and hip-hop he expresses his though about League of Legends, a game we all love and enjoy.

He produced many different titles and has huge plans for the future, already he has written and made promo for two of the many well know NA LCS teams CLG and Dignitas. And many other plans that can not be revealed at the moment, so make sure to stay tuned on both League of Legends Player's Blog and Knox Hill's personal social media. 

League of  Legends shout out about ganking, holding down the lane, and overall just being awesome. Relating to real life and just being your own Champion.

This is the first original single off of Redemption MP, and it's a shout out to the LCS, and anyone really trying to make it in a professional environment. The inspiration came from a request by Counter Logic Gaming - who gets a few shout-outs in the song.

This title  is about chasing your dreams, being better than your opponent, and never giving up...much like ex-SK member Ocelote himself.

"Dignitas" - final track and bonus off of my Redemption MP.

Other songs and titles by Knox Hill himself can be found here:

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