Friday 31 January 2014

What skins I got for Lunar Revel of 2014

This year is the year of the Horse, unfortunately no horse related skin is released for the lunar revel, yes I am referring to Hecarim, because last year it was the year of the snake and Cassiopeia got a skin. This could be due to the recent release of Arcade Hecarim. But Riot did release 3 skins featuring Riven, Trynda and Diana. What skins I got, I got the Diana and Riven skins. 

First of all Diana was the first champion I got a PENTA-KILLLLLLL with and it was in ranked in the Provisional before I was even ranked at the start of season 3, although I reached level 30 in Season 2 mid. So I had to commemorate my achievement in League of  Legends, and I dislike the Dark Valkyrie Diana skin, but when this skin came out I was like I had to get this. The particles are freaking AMAZING. I love the "E" and "Q" animations. 

And Riven, that skin is just to worth to lose out, plus its a legacy skin, meaning after Lunar Revel it will be out of the store and only I will have it :P. The particles are AMAZING too. But everyone uses and like Battlebunny or Championship Riven. I don't care!!! The sword on this skin is just too cool. 
I was gonna get Trynda skin, but no wallet is resisting. I ran out of RP, just freaking 50RP of the skin bundle which comes with a ward skin.  If anyone is kind enough plz can you give me some RP, leave a comment and I will give u me summoner's name. But the reason why I wanted the Trynda skin as well is that I have Warring Kingdom Jarvan and Xin Zhao from previous year. But the skin has a lack of new particles compared to the rest of the new skins. 
Other skin I got from previous Lunar Revel include, Jade Dragon Wukong, Warring Kingdom Jarvan and Xin Zhao and Dragon Fist Lee Sin. All are skins which I would recommend to you guys. Trust I chose my skins wisely. VERY, so they are WURF. 

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