Thursday 20 March 2014

Play with Sun now with Water: Atlantean Syndra

Atlantean Syndar will be the second skin for this mage. Following the theme from Altantean Fizz, here is Altantean Syndra.

The skin features all new model, and a lot of new watery particles, not only on the abilities, but also the water orbs. The watery effect is truly stunning.With no new voice and is likely to be priced at 900RP.

But you may ask, does this skin really fit Syndar, though Riot did a great job at making this skin. But I feel the watery effects feels a bit awkward. I guess I'm too use to the Justicar Syndra.This is only only my thoughts, show us your though in the comment below.

So who next? That's right, our dear friend Kah'Zix, I can't wait until the new Kah'zix skin, hope it lives up to the standards.

YouTube Video
LoLKing Model not available yet.

1 comment:

  1. Uhh please help it says the skin is unavailable...
