Tuesday 11 February 2014

Meet the new champion: Vel'Koz

Vel'Koz is finally here, his release has been teased for such a long time, and now he is here to join the League. He is released now a a mage in the mid lane, with short auto attack range, but with some rather long range spell. His ultimate is absolutely fun to use. 

For Video Click Here 


Passive: Organic Deconstruction

Vel’Koz’s abilities Deconstruct those they strike. After being hit three times by his abilities, minions, monsters and enemy champions are Deconstructed and suffer bonus true damage. Enemies lose their Deconstruction stacks by avoiding Vel’Koz’s attacks for a short while.

Q: Plasma Fission

Vel’Koz fires a plasma bolt that slows and damages the first enemy struck. Once Plasma Fission hits, reaches its maximum range or is reactivated a second time, the bolt splits at a 90 degree angle. The split bolts deal the same damage and apply the same slow.

W: Void Rift

Vel’Koz sends out a straight line blast that tears open a temporary rift to the Void before exploding. Both the initial tear and the delayed explosion damage and apply Deconstruction stacks to caught enemies.

E: Tectonic Disruption

After a brief delay Vel’Koz disrupts a nearby area, damaging and launching all enemies caught into the air. Enemies hit that are close to Vel’Koz are also knocked back slightly.

R: Life Form Disintegration Ray

Vel’Koz channels a ray of infinite energy that follows the cursor for a brief while, damaging, slowing and Deconstructing all enemies in range.

Unleashed the Scorched Earth Renekton!!

The new Renekton skin is finally here after spending close to a year beneath the scrape in PBE. I introduce to you Scorched Earth Renekton, which is now available in store for 975 RP. This skin feature all new particles across all of Renekton's skill, replacing the original particles with flaming fire like particles adjacent to the theme of Scorched Earth, where previously Xerath also received a skin with this theme. 

However I still prefer Party Pool Renekton skin, with absolute cool recall animation and whole new particle with bubble effects.

YouTube Video
LoLKing Model

Monday 10 February 2014

Talented League of Legends artist with some cool new titles

Recently I have been browsing thoroughly through YouTube for songs based on League of Legends, after my introduction to Instalok and other similar League of  Legends artist. But I came across this one guy named Knox Hill (YouTube channel Link), who is surprisingly not as well known, but definitely deserves more views and more subscription. Unlike many other YouTube League artist, he produces his own original music from total scratch, with a perfect combination of rap and hip-hop he expresses his though about League of Legends, a game we all love and enjoy.

He produced many different titles and has huge plans for the future, already he has written and made promo for two of the many well know NA LCS teams CLG and Dignitas. And many other plans that can not be revealed at the moment, so make sure to stay tuned on both League of Legends Player's Blog and Knox Hill's personal social media. 

League of  Legends shout out about ganking, holding down the lane, and overall just being awesome. Relating to real life and just being your own Champion.

This is the first original single off of Redemption MP, and it's a shout out to the LCS, and anyone really trying to make it in a professional environment. The inspiration came from a request by Counter Logic Gaming - who gets a few shout-outs in the song.

This title  is about chasing your dreams, being better than your opponent, and never giving up...much like ex-SK member Ocelote himself.

"Dignitas" - final track and bonus off of my Redemption MP.

Other songs and titles by Knox Hill himself can be found here:

Wednesday 5 February 2014

New splash art for Heartseeker ashe is out!!

New skin is about to hit the store for one of the beta champions, Ashe the Frost Queen.  The skin I present to you is Heartseeker Ashe. Here are the new splash art and loading screen art for Heartseeker Ashe released today. This splash art is really bad ass especially Ashe, and well made, sadly I don't like Ashe and her kit. FOR MORE INFORMATION .

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Limited Edition skins for Winter Olympics back soon

 2014 Winter Olympic will be held in Sochi, Russia from February 7th to February 23. Remember in 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics how a total of 8 Limited Edition 2010 Vancouver Skins were released from Day 1 of the Olympic through to the end. Several of these skins were also on sale for 70% of it original price on the opening weekend. Special limited edition runes were also released to celebrate the opening. CONTINUE READING 

New Ward Skin for Valentine Day

A new ward alongside a new skin will be released for the upcoming Valentines Day. Ward skin being Bouquet Ward Skin and the HeartSeeker Ashe. For more information about Hearthseeker Ashe CLICK HERE.

Monday 3 February 2014

Sunday 2 February 2014

Confirmed Champion, Vel'Koz and more

Several new confirmation about the next new champion joining League is Vel'Koz. Just today many new teasers of Vel'Koz can be found in several video across YouTube by popular League players.

A shortcut the the video can be found HERE.

A list of the video that contains the short teaser is also found, Thank to our devoted friends:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEQO_RbRYOE @ 0:36
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14p8yUUCGOw @ 0:13 thanks to appieftw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUbNoAoz6Dw @ 0:18 thanks to AngelLink

Notice how all in the video Vel'Koz eyes are shown and they are also seen in Creator Viktors splash art and Watchers in Howling Abyss. 

Saturday 1 February 2014

New Champion is leaked

New champion is leaked, as leaks are found across the internet. The new champion is Vel'Koz, it is thought to be the new void champions following Cho'Gath and Kog'Maw both have apostrophe. There were already previously many many speculation about this champion. He can be seen in the Creator Vicktor's splash Art in the background, the original Lucain Splash Art, Pre-Void Kassadin Splash Art and some even say that Vel'Koz looks like the statute of Watchers in the Howling Abyss.
In-game and Abilities

In Creator Viktor's Splash art
Although abilities of the new champion are released, we still can not confirm whether it will be an AP Mage or AD Carry. But we can see that Vel'Koz does all Magic Damage, but you can say that both Kog'Maw and Trist
ana all do Magic Damage, however they do have an Attack Speed Steroid for the late game. This is what Vel'Koz lacks, the AD steroids and his passive is still not revealed at the moment. So what I expect is an AP Mage who excels in the Mid lane, by poking from far away. And in a way he has high level of burst but poke as well.
From the official website, already a site reserved for Vel'Koz
 (notice the URL: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/tag/velkoz)

In the mean time I will keep you guys up dated.

Watcher in Howling Abyss