Friday 31 January 2014

What skins I got for Lunar Revel of 2014

This year is the year of the Horse, unfortunately no horse related skin is released for the lunar revel, yes I am referring to Hecarim, because last year it was the year of the snake and Cassiopeia got a skin. This could be due to the recent release of Arcade Hecarim. But Riot did release 3 skins featuring Riven, Trynda and Diana. What skins I got, I got the Diana and Riven skins. 

First of all Diana was the first champion I got a PENTA-KILLLLLLL with and it was in ranked in the Provisional before I was even ranked at the start of season 3, although I reached level 30 in Season 2 mid. So I had to commemorate my achievement in League of  Legends, and I dislike the Dark Valkyrie Diana skin, but when this skin came out I was like I had to get this. The particles are freaking AMAZING. I love the "E" and "Q" animations. 

And Riven, that skin is just to worth to lose out, plus its a legacy skin, meaning after Lunar Revel it will be out of the store and only I will have it :P. The particles are AMAZING too. But everyone uses and like Battlebunny or Championship Riven. I don't care!!! The sword on this skin is just too cool. 
I was gonna get Trynda skin, but no wallet is resisting. I ran out of RP, just freaking 50RP of the skin bundle which comes with a ward skin.  If anyone is kind enough plz can you give me some RP, leave a comment and I will give u me summoner's name. But the reason why I wanted the Trynda skin as well is that I have Warring Kingdom Jarvan and Xin Zhao from previous year. But the skin has a lack of new particles compared to the rest of the new skins. 
Other skin I got from previous Lunar Revel include, Jade Dragon Wukong, Warring Kingdom Jarvan and Xin Zhao and Dragon Fist Lee Sin. All are skins which I would recommend to you guys. Trust I chose my skins wisely. VERY, so they are WURF. 

New skin for the oldie Ashe: Heartseeker Ashe

New skin is about to hit the store for one of the beta champions, Ashe the Frost Queen, alongside there are also icons changed to her abilities. 
The skin I present to you, Heartseeker Ashe, in my opinion this isn't such a bad skin, following the Vayne Heartseeker franchise, but I would not spend a cent on this skin. This skin features new recall animation and ability recolor and particles. 

No LoLKing model of Heartseeker Ashe is uploaded yet :C

Prediction of Scorched Earth Renekton is Confirmed and about to be released

Recently the previous released PBE Scorched Earth Renekton, was cancelled due to the release of the Party Pool "franchise", resulting in the release of Party Pool Lee Sin, Party Pool Leona, Party Pool Graves and Party Pool Renekton, featuring excellent particles and recall animation across all of its skins. Now Scorched Earth Renekton is finally back, and soon to be rolled out into the stores. With newer particles add to Rene. It sure to be a great skin, but you can not not like the recall animation on Party Pool Rene, it put me off.

LoLking Model Click Here

YouTube Video Click Here