Sunday 9 June 2013

Guys I am Back

Hi my fellow League of Legends player, I am final back from my long holiday to China and Hong Kong. Unfortunately there is censorship in China restricting content being revealed in China, so I wasn't able to do any thing. So sorry. But now I am back.
Servers to choose from
In China I could play on the NA server, as it was not allow, but I did play on the China Server. It was really fun experience, but the end of my trip I was level 15 (LOL), played so much. The Chinese players were also really good, not to mention they are level 1. What I liked about the China server was that it had a huge client, but under this client there are many sub-server, for different parts of China, so you ping will never exceed over 30 pings, which I though was great. But the skin and Champion RP price are extremely expensive.

My new computer, so SEXY
I also got a new computer an Ultrabook. You might think, who buys an Ultrabook to play LoL, doesn't even have a graphics card. So what, Ultrabooks are extremely portable and responsive and fast. And secondly League of Legends doesn't require a graphic card, even a potato computer can run it. The Ultrabook I got is the new Touch screen, full HD and IPS Asus Zenbook ux31A but i5. I am poor. It cost $1190, not too bad. I will do a review on it later.

CYA for the mean time.