Friday 15 March 2013

New Karma Remake

Recently Riot has announced that there is a remake for Karma. Although photos of her new splash art and in game look has been realised. But unfortunately her skill kit has not been revealed yet and so we will have to wit.

Riot also announced that any summoners with Karma before the launch of the new Karma, will get a free Karma skill: Traditional Karma.

Honestly I think the new look is pretty cool, looks like Syndra to em, what do you think?

Thursday 7 March 2013

New skin for Draven, Nidalee, Katarina and Renekton

Riot are now making new skins for the following champions: Draven, Nidalee, Katerina and Renekton. The skins are Cyber Katarina, Scorched Earth Renekton, Headhunter Nidalee and Gladiator Draven. All of these skin are skin in the process of making them, so they are unfinished.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Quinn and Valor are now both in store now

The new champion Quinn and her pet Valor are both now in store, but remember the new IP cost change, for the first week. Quinn and Valor will cost 7800IP, so patients is the key, wait for the second week until it will be 6800IP. But if your out of IP, not problem. Buy her with RP, she will cost 975RP but if bough as a bundle with her new skin Phoenix Quin and Valor it will be only 1462 RP, normally 1950 RP if bough separately.

And by the way, Quinn is the first champion to start with the letter "Q".


iBlitzcrank is out!!!!!!

iBlitzcrank is now available from the store for 975RP, and now I finally realised why Riot made the iBlitzcrank skin, it was to introduce the new Mac client that is currently on beta now, just yesterday Check it out CLICK HERE. And this was also the reason why iBlitzcrank skin wasn't realised with the new Jayce skin Debonair, even thought they were realised on PBE at the  same time. 
I personally think this is a great skin, but not as good as Piltover Blitzcrank, but better value for the price. I will definitely buy this skin. Its awesome. 

Mac Client finally Out

Thanks for the hard work at Riots, the new Mac Client of League of Legends is now here. Yes. I can't wait to play on my native client, because I have always played League of Legends on a iMac. And now with the new client for Mac, I won't have to open up my parallel desktop to play LoL. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE beta Mac Client.

Watch the new introduction video and extra information CLICK HERE.