Thursday 20 March 2014

Play with Sun now with Water: Atlantean Syndra

Atlantean Syndar will be the second skin for this mage. Following the theme from Altantean Fizz, here is Altantean Syndra.

The skin features all new model, and a lot of new watery particles, not only on the abilities, but also the water orbs. The watery effect is truly stunning.With no new voice and is likely to be priced at 900RP.

But you may ask, does this skin really fit Syndar, though Riot did a great job at making this skin. But I feel the watery effects feels a bit awkward. I guess I'm too use to the Justicar Syndra.This is only only my thoughts, show us your though in the comment below.

So who next? That's right, our dear friend Kah'Zix, I can't wait until the new Kah'zix skin, hope it lives up to the standards.

YouTube Video
LoLKing Model not available yet.

Purple Fizz = Void Fizz

Remember the Purple fizz skin that was shown at LCS. 

Now it is here ready to hit the live clients. 

Void Fizz, basically Fizz in all purple, in a Void looking outfit. This skin features new model, a brand new really cool voice, and some purplely particle across every spell. 

Overall I call this skin worth at 900RP, and can be considered at 1.3KRP. I will definitely a buy if you want to stand out from all the other Fizz player and just look at that "Void Shark", truly amazing. 
Void Shark!!!!!!

YouTube Video
LoLKing Model Not available yet

Release the Nighthunter Rengar!!!!

New Rengar Skin: Nighthunter Rengar is out on PBE.

 Personally I think this is totally TRASH. Just looking at the model, Rengar look like a cat, doesn't even fit the theme of Nighthunter. Rengar doesnt look stealthy or any sort of a kind. His weapon look weak compare to Headhunter and the original. Though there are new blue particles.

So my advice? Sticky with the default skin or you really rich get Headhunter. This is only the beginning of the skin, lets hope there is improvements.

This is the second skin for Rengar after Headhunter and following the release after Rengar was Syndra. Syndra just got a new skin( CLICK HERE FOR MORE). So who next? That's right, our dear friend Kah'Zix, I can't wait until the new Kah'zix skin, hope it lives up to the standards.

YouTube Video

Wednesday 19 March 2014

New Rumble Skin: Super Galaxy Rumble

New Rumble skin!! Finally this yordle is getting a new skin. Just look at this skin, how cool does this Yordle look. Only if I can play Rumble.

This skin has been on many forum before prior to the production. This is was created as fan arts first and now it here.

The particles on this skin is so cool, and the overall look of this skin is so cool as well. I expect this skin to be at least 1.3kRP or 1.8kRP. As there are new particle and voice but also Riot made a page and teaser just for this.

Awesome Skin!!!

YouTube Video
No LoLKing Model available yet 

New Varus Skin

New Varus Skin is about to hit the store on live client. This skin following the theme of Arctic Ops Caitlyn skin is the Varus skin, featuring Varus in a Ice Warfare suit.
I personally think the idea behind this skin is totally awesome, however the looks of the skin and the final product cannot be compared to Arctic Ops Caitlyn. Though I have to say the particles on this skin is really cool. My go to Varus skin will be Blight Crystal Varus, he just looks like a badass, like he should be.

Youtube Video
LoLKing Model

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Meet the new champion: Vel'Koz

Vel'Koz is finally here, his release has been teased for such a long time, and now he is here to join the League. He is released now a a mage in the mid lane, with short auto attack range, but with some rather long range spell. His ultimate is absolutely fun to use. 

For Video Click Here 


Passive: Organic Deconstruction

Vel’Koz’s abilities Deconstruct those they strike. After being hit three times by his abilities, minions, monsters and enemy champions are Deconstructed and suffer bonus true damage. Enemies lose their Deconstruction stacks by avoiding Vel’Koz’s attacks for a short while.

Q: Plasma Fission

Vel’Koz fires a plasma bolt that slows and damages the first enemy struck. Once Plasma Fission hits, reaches its maximum range or is reactivated a second time, the bolt splits at a 90 degree angle. The split bolts deal the same damage and apply the same slow.

W: Void Rift

Vel’Koz sends out a straight line blast that tears open a temporary rift to the Void before exploding. Both the initial tear and the delayed explosion damage and apply Deconstruction stacks to caught enemies.

E: Tectonic Disruption

After a brief delay Vel’Koz disrupts a nearby area, damaging and launching all enemies caught into the air. Enemies hit that are close to Vel’Koz are also knocked back slightly.

R: Life Form Disintegration Ray

Vel’Koz channels a ray of infinite energy that follows the cursor for a brief while, damaging, slowing and Deconstructing all enemies in range.